Unmask the unique potential in your business
Modus Management is a specialised management consultancy helping businesses, aspiring business owners and leaders accelerate growth, maximise organisational competence and achieve their vision.
Are you facing your business truths?Your business offering is technically sound but the business model may be deficient. It may be difficult to generate new business revenue or enter into new markets. Poor customer service may be leading to client churn. There may be cash flow management issues or insufficient financial controls. You may be challenged to get the right people in the right roles. We can help you identify these types of business truths to develop and prioritise strategic options and actions to create new realities.
Is internal resistance impeding change?There may be insufficient levels of openness and information exchange within the business. You may be experiencing scepticism and intolerance for necessary change to make the business more competitive. Key stakeholders may be resisting change because they do not understand the effects this will have on them and future direction of the business. Let us help you and your business leaders minimise resistance to change and motivate change recipients.
Is your business able to scale?Your business may be having trouble handling more volume delivering vital products and services while still providing the same personalised approach. If you have remote locations then scaling the business model can be even more challenging. You may be experiencing business systems that require manual information capture and re-keying that can be error prone and impact the timeliness of other actions such as invoicing and payroll. You may have ongoing manual practices generating information that could be streamlined or automated such as time sheets, WHS compliance, the latest plans or other information. Are your processes documented and easy to follow so delegation is efficient? Let us help your business systemise and automate key processes to enhance velocity, professionalism and competitiveness.
Is the business flexible with senior staff?Staff are usually the largest expenditure in a business. Attracting the right people and minimising the significant costs of staff attrition are challenges for any business. Successfully instituting tailored flexible working arrangements like job sharing, sets your business apart as an employer of choice and substantially improves your staff retention. Targeted induction, customised onboarding and specialised reintegration of your people after family leave, maximises staff performance and provides a myriad of benefits for the business. Let us also help you improve the calibre of candidates you attract.
Professional services cover both strategy development and strategy execution to achieve objectives.
Strategy Development
Our strategy development arm includes:
Strategy Execution
Our strategy execution arm includes:
...very insightful in terms of business knowledge especially around business models, technology and business strategy."
A. Liao, Startup & Product Marketing Expert, Xceleration Labs